Science Earth and Space

Science Earth and Space

 Earth and space science refers to the connections between the earth, ocean, atmosphere and life on our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that shape, influence, and maintain the earth and its materials.

Earth and space science also examines the cyclical interactions between the Earth system and the Sun and Moon. Some examples of scientific exploration of Earth and space are the interactions between the land, ocean, atmosphere, and life on our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that continually shape, influence, and sustain the Earth and its inhabitants.

According to NASA, it is developing an Earth System Observatory. At the core are five satellite missions providing critical data on climate change, severe weather and other natural hazards, wildfires and global food production.

These observations will focus on the most pressing question about our changing planet, as identified in the 2017 Earth Science Ten-Year Survey by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The core of the observatory will focus on five areas: Aerosols: Clouds, Convection and Precipitation: or Mass Changes: Surface Biology and Geology and Surface Deforestation and Changes In accordance with the recommendations of the Academy, NASA core will completely expand the selection of exploration missions to Earth that will bring innovation and ensure another high priority observation.

Each of the missions will bring important environmental measurements. Together as one NASA observatory will have a holistic 3D view of Earth to better understand how our planet's complex systems work together and improve our ability to predict how our planet's complex systems work together and improve our ability to predict how our climate can. change. NASA's open source science, technology and strategy is key to bringing together data from these missions into a single observatory that will help and understand Earth as a system and accelerate our ability to use that understanding. These observations will better inform decision-makers about how our planet is changing, with great precision at previously unimaginable scales – from entire continents to individual trees from the bottom of the atmosphere.


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