
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Indus River Valley Religion

 Religion in the Indus Valley is polytheistic and consists of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. There are so many seals that support the evidence of the gods of the Indus Valley. Some of the seals depict animals that resemble the two gods, Shiva and Rudra, and other seals depict a tree believed to be the tree of life in the Indus Valley. The first excavations in the Indus River valley were stuck in the absence of obvious temples or other evidence of religion, and the three remained without examples of buildings that scholars generally agree had a religious function, although some suggestions of religious use have been made. The belief system of the religion of the peoples of the Indus Valley has received considerable attention from many writers concerned with identifying the forerunners of the religious particles and deities of the much later Indian religions. However, due to the sparseness of the evidence open to verifiable interpretation and the fact that the Indus script remains und

What are Fold Mountains?

  Fold mountains are formed when two or more of the Earth's tectonic plates are pushed together, this is a collision and compression of boundaries, rocks and debris are packed and folded into rocky outcrops and hills of mountains and entire mountain ranges. Folded mountains are formed by a process called orogenesis, which is an orogenic event that takes millions of years to form a folded mountain that is a mantle. Blankets and dramatically folded rocks or rock formations are common. "Nappe" is French for "table cloth" and is believed to be the formation named after the experiment on the table. Folded mountain ranges are often associated with continental crust. They were formed at the boundaries of convergent plates, sometimes called continental collision zones, in other words compression zones. Convergent plate boundaries are collision points where tectonic plates collide. Compression is described as a set of stresses at one point in a rock formation. In the co

Heat Budget of the Earth

  They received a certain amount of solar radiation (shortwave radiation) and return heat to space through terrestrial radiation (longwave radiation). Through this inflow and outflow of heat, the earth maintains a constant temperature, and this phenomenon is referred to as the heat budget of the earth. UPSC Notes for Heat Budget : Earth receives some amount of solar radiation by short waves and returns heat to space by terrestrial radiation (long waves) by radiation through inflow and outflow of heat and earth maintains its internal temperature and this phenomenon is called heat. the country’s budget.

Science Earth and Space

  Earth and space science refers to the connections between the earth, ocean, atmosphere and life on our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that shape, influence, and maintain the earth and its materials. Earth and space science also examines the cyclical interactions between the Earth system and the Sun and Moon. Some examples of scientific exploration of Earth and space are the interactions between the land, ocean, atmosphere, and life on our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that continually shape, influence, and sustain the Earth and its inhabitants. According to NASA, it is developing an Earth System Observatory. At the core are five satellite missions providing critical data on climate change, severe weather and other natural hazards, wildfires and global food production. These observations will focus on the most pressing question about our changing planet, as identified in the 2017 Earth Scien

India Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

  Have you ever noticed that plants and animals are not always the same? Some are the same size green trees and thorn bushes, although the animals differ from each other in the natural factors that surround them, they have adapted to their natural environment around them in India. Natural vegetation and wildlife. Natural vegetation refers to the plant life (flora) that grows in a certain area depending on the climatic conditions and other factors that hinder the area. Generally, there are about five broad varieties of natural vegetation in the world. It is a space vegetation found in the Thar desert areas, mostly consisting of shrubs, acacias, cacti and date palms. It is found in arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, Gujarat and some areas of Punjab. The animals that live in a particular region are what we call the wildlife of the region, just as the vegetation is the flora, the wildlife is the fauna of the region. The animals can be found in every season of this vegetation and are

How Flood is Occur

  Floods occur as a result of heavy rainfall and also include natural disasters and occur when overflowing water inundates lands that are normally dry. Floods are caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or storm surges from tropical cyclones and tsunamis in coastal areas. A flood can cause widespread devastation, resulting in loss and damage to personal property and critical public health and infrastructure. Between 1998 and 2017, floods may affect more than 2 billion people worldwide. People who live in a flood zone or in buildings that are not resilient or do not have warning systems to take steps to raise awareness of the dangers of flooding. There are 3 common types of  how a flood occurs Rivers are the most important part of causing flooding during heavy rains on the Moon, many dams break during heavy rains as the rapid flow of water affects farmers’ crops and high water levels in cities. Rivers Floods occur when sustained rainfall or snowmelt forces a river to exceed capacity. M

Greenland Which Continent

  Greenland  has been populated for about 5,000 years, by people from the Arctic regions & Europe. Although part of the Northern American continent, geopolitically the Island is a part of Europe. The Continental glaciers are Continuous masses of ice much larger than Alpine Glaciers. The small continental  Glaciers  are called the ice fields this is enormous 

Greenland is a Country

  Basically, it is an Island country a part of the Kingdom of Denmark it is located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, the Eastern of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Greenland is the largest island in the world The Working ruby and sapphire mine is Located on the island’s southeast coast the significant oil & natural gas resources are thought present beneath the seafloor off Greenland”s east and west coasts The Map is showing about Greenland since 1979 the self-governing oversees the administrative division of Denmark. the world’s largest island in the world located between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans, the northeast of Canada.