Fuel Crisis in India

Energy insecurity is India's latest tryst with its independence ending In July 2006 crude oil prices rose to a high level, US $ 79 a barrel. In India, the price of petrol and diesel has risen, respectively, by 59.6 percent and 78.8 percent from 2002 levels. The forced government, along with public oil companies, has received 87.5 percent of the cost of rising oil prices.

Fuel Crisis in India

After rising prices last year, many in Delhi-ites reportedly switched to buses, and the metropolitan area - Delhi Metro Rail Corporation - showed a 12 percent increase in travel. as Jabir Kakar, owner of a petrol pump in the Hemkunt Colony, said, “Our sales show the difference as prices rise. Finally, prices have risen, and our average sales have dropped by almost 10 percent. People find ways to save fuel, whenever their monthly budget is used - they buy cheaper fuel to save money. "


It is clear that the price of petrol, especially the price of travel, costs each house Indians use more transport than ever before, especially the wealthy urban, who rely heavily on their cars.

According to data collected by the Central Statistical Organization over the past 10 years, transport has the largest budget budget for Indian families. In 1993-94, households spent about 56 percent of their monthly budget on food In 2003-04, this decreased to 45 percent at a time, one of the biggest increases in cost was transportation. In the early 1990's, the average household spent 11.3 percent of its monthly travel budget. By 2003-04, it had risen to 17.1%. After the meal, it became a major part of the home budget for the average family to spend more money on personal transportation and more on their running costs - in other words, they bought car fuel.


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