Greenland Vegetation and Wildlife


Greenland Vegetation and Wildlife: In the north of Europe, to the land that is covered with cedar, and low shrubs, such as willows, and balanced. Plants that bloom in the north, and, in particular, the yellow poppy, Pedicularis, and Pyrola. The vegetation and flora of the south of Greenland, it is a pretty big place, and some of the plants, such as water, and a small willow tree, can grow up to several meters in height. 

The only natural forest in Greenland is located in the Tsinggu Valley. The forest consists mainly of downy birch (Betula pubescens) and grey willow (Salix glauca), which can grow to 7-8 m (23-26 ft) in height. although, in 2007, the 9th of pine trees were planted in different places. 


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