
Greenland is a Country

  Basically, it is an Island country a part of the Kingdom of Denmark it is located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, the Eastern of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Greenland is the largest island in the world The Working ruby and sapphire mine is Located on the island’s southeast coast the significant oil & natural gas resources are thought present beneath the seafloor off Greenland”s east and west coasts The Map is showing about Greenland since 1979 the self-governing oversees the administrative division of Denmark. the world’s largest island in the world located between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans, the northeast of Canada. 

Types of Drainage Pattern U.P.S.C

  W ater through well-defined canals is known as ‘canals’ and the network of such channels is called the ‘drainage system’. The local drainage system is the result of the period of geography, ecology, and rock formation, slope, topography, amount of water flow, and flow time. The source of a single river (river and its tributaries) is called a borehole. 

Montana National Glacier Park

    Montana National Glacier Park   was ruled by Blackfeet in the east and Flathead in the western regions. Under pressure, Blackfeet surrendered the mountainous parts of their treaty areas in 1895 to a unitary state; it later became part of the park. Shortly after the park was closed on May 11, 1910, many hotels and toilets were built by the Great Northern Railway. These historic hotels and chalets are listed in the National Archives and a total of 350 sites are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Definition Geography

  Geography  is the study of places and relationships between people and their environment. Geologists study both the Earth’s visible structures and the human communities that are scattered over it The UPSC Syllabus incorporates Geography into prelims as one of the most common awareness subjects, while the main IAS Geography syllabus is taught in both Standard and Geography papers.

Where India Located?

  Where India Located? Modern people came to the Indian subcontinent from Africa about 55,000 years ago. Their long-term performance, initially in various ways of distinguishing themselves as hunters, has made the region very diverse, following only Africa in a wide variety of genres. Stable life arose on the continent west of the Indus River 9,000 years ago the northern plain (Deccan Plateau) in the south, the plateau to the plains along the Ganges River, deserts in the west, and the Himalayan mountains in the north. Government is a republic of the state

Geography of India

  We are Learn about Geography of India   It is the seventh-largest country in the world, with an area of ​​3,287,263 square kilometers (1,269,219 sq mi).  India  is estimated to be 3,214 km (1,997 mi) from north to south and 2,933 km (1,822 mi) from east to west. It has a land area of ​​15,200 km (9,445 mi) and a coastline of 7,516.6 km (4,671 mi).  It is the seventh-largest country in the world, with an area of ​​3,287,263 square kilometers. India measures 3,214 kilometers from north to south and 2,933 kilometers from east to west.  Location: Listed in 7th place Ugu: 7,516.6 km (4,670.6 mi)

Examples of Ecosystems

  E cosystems are agroecosystem, aquatic ecosystem , coral reef, desert, forest, human ecosystem , littoral, marine ecosystem, prairie, rain forest, savanna, steppe, taiga, tundra, urban ecosystem more Coral reefs are often referred to as “rainforests” because these habitats are teeming with life – one-fourth of the marine species depend on them for food or shelter. In addition to coral and brightly colored fish, sponges, sea anemones, sea urchins and mussels make their home in coral reefs.